The false traditions conveyed are related to the phenomena that exist in society.

For example, studies of fake hadiths are rife in public life delivered by a well-known Ulama and graduates from abroad as well as experts in the science of traditions such as Adi Hidayat. Existing hadith studies provide positive values and an understanding of the science of traditions for seekers of hadith studies. With the study of traditions that are not only fixated on the books and books of traditions such as the study of traditions on YouTube is very easy for humans. With the rise of false traditions that are contrary to the teachings of Islam it is expected for Muslims to always hold fast to the values of the Koran and As Sunnah so as not to stray far from Islamic teachings. The rise of fake but popular hadith in the community is very alarming.

But sometimes those traditions do not originate from the Prophet and are called false traditions. The Hadith contains all the words, deeds and provisions of the Prophet Muhammad. P> Hadith is the second teaching of Islam after the Koran.